i ated a hott dog and it tasted goood

welcome :)

!!!Permanently Under Construction!!!


Current Update


updated Kinlist: added and removed certain kintypes, changed pronouns. updated About Me: changed pronouns and certain details. updated Welcome: changed pronouns and removed certain aspects.

while we've been away, we've discovered some things :) we need to resort the list, but we don't have the energy.


welcome to our humble abode! :)

sorry if this place looks a bit janky on mobile, we're doing this on computer and not super accounting for other devices or browsers

we're keeping this place purposefully minimalist. too many things makes OUR head hurt, we can't imagine how it feels for viewers of the page

click/tap on the hyperlinks to the left, or below if the sidebar is a bit too small

enjoy your stay :)


About Me (Updated 10/21/2023)

Interests (Updated 10/15/2023)

Kin List (Updated 3/27/2024)